Dynamic Process

'Learning By Doing' 'Patrol System'

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Scouting from its beginning era;

Lord Baden Powell thought this would not be attractive and suggested that it could grow much larger when scouting would be used. This thought arose in his mind after his return to England, gaining success from “the siege of Mafeking”. He noticed that the boys showed considerably interest in the book, a small instruction book written about military scouting, Aids to Scouting. It was the year 1900 A.D. Later the book was adapted as “Scouting for boys”.
Scouting, an educational movement, with mission  to educate young people through a system based on the “ Scout Promise and Law “ by assisting them to establish intellectual, social, physical and spiritual value , started on 1907 A .D. with 21 people, today, is rich of more than 41 million people under the same roof of its principle. The common and consistent thought, (i.e. duty to self and others), of scouts all over the world had already made it arrive to its 106th glorious year. Principle of Scouting; appropriate for all races, class, creed, religion, society and many more similes, is the key factor for the universal achievement of this movement. The possession of suppleness or moreover dynamism in itself made it such a millions likely. This movement had really succeeded to prove itself as gigantic utility to people of all age group.  The development of characteristics of distribution and allocation of authorities, sharing of responsibilities,  departmentation of chores,  sound leadership, people oriented strategy, democratic system , maintenance of proper hierarchy, possession of unique system, so called patrol system, spending time together in small groups with shared experiences, rituals and activities, emphasizing good citizenship, decision making and many more in the young people through the keen adherence of principle of this dynamic process had also provided a deep assistance for its greater triumph.
The chronology of scouting consists of oodles of positive changes from its very early beginning Era. Scouting and Girls guiding thought was fashioned by Sir Lord Baden Powell but he single-handedly couldn’t advise all the groups who requested his assistance. So, in the year 1910 and 1911 Scoutmasters Trainings were organized. The number likely to this dynamic and educational movement in fact increased from finger countable figure to million just after its
15 years of inauguration due to the easy beneficiaries populacious theories and principle of it. This massive acceleration on the number was in fact after it made possible accomplishment of individuals contributing toward the easy and faultless attainment of their objectives. During this 15 year the junior section, aged group 6 to 11, cub section (1916 A.D.) and the senior section, aged group 17 to 25, rover section (1918 A.D.) had already been ongoing along with boy and girl scouts and guide by the publishment of “Wolf Cub’s Handbook” and “Rovering to Success” respectively, which now had included training schemes from 6 to 25 years’ human beings for their self development by themselves. Proper combination of authorities and responsibilities, unfailing development of leadership quality, building up of planning habit and possession of characteristics of sound organizing from very early age are causes beyond the massive growth of scouts.

Scouting, a yawning assistance for the establishment of emotion such as empathy, graciousness, optimism, readable character of the non verbal clues, selflessly was heading towards development of youth physically, intellectually, emotionally, socially and spiritually by international gathering of scouts, naming world jamboree and world conference in the early 1920s, organized in Olympia, London, England with participation of 8000 Scouts and 33 national Scout organizations’ representations. These programs were the initial effort for developing peace, as mentioned in the Aims of scouting, through friendship and fraternity. For its globalization and wide spread, a need of committee that would plan and execute to achieve the goal of this dynamic movement was felt to be important. So , the 1st international committee was elected from representation of 30 national Scout organizations at the second international conference in Paris, France in the year 1922 A.D. This committee is playing a vital role for wide spread and massive growth of the movement by its public oriented strategy, since then. . In the year 1949 A.D. 1st Agoon (International camp for handicapped Scouts) was organized in Lunteren, Netherlands. This event then developed keen involvement of handicapped people too in this dynamic movement which created now sound participation of all type people.
 If tasks are structured to provide a network of derivatives tasks in sequence, there will be more effectiveness in attainment of enterprise objectives, so had been in the Scouting. The numbers of tasks were on going for the betterment and utilization of act of duty and character development of youth time by time.  So there had been a big figure of programs launched by World Organization of Scout Movement(WOSM), governing most national Scout organizations, and World Association of  Girls Guide and Girls Scout (WAGGGS), a global association supporting the female-oriented and female only scouting and guiding organizations, which includes a series of  youth development programmes, leadership trainings, youth forum, world  jamborees, international  moots, national and international conferences, skill development trainings, management trainings, leaders’ leader training and many more related programmes. It not only had organized programmers’ but also had done gigantic figure of programmes with joint collaboration with UN, UNICEF, UNHCR, WHO, WWF, Red Cross Society, ROTARY and many more international organizations for the development of society and social being by maintaining the environment of friendliness, brotherhood and sisterhood. UN International Youth Year (1st worldwide programme to be implemented with the Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts) 1985 A.D., a child health programme entitled "help children grow" introduced with the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts and UNICEF 1986/87 A.D are some programmes organized in collaboration of international public benefit oriented organizations for the benefit of human being. It can be easily concretized that the scouting has shown greater creations and innovations in accordance to the time and need of the people for wider spread of this Dynamic movement. JOTA and JOTI started on 1958 and 1997 respectively are the evidences. JOTA, Jamboree on the Air and JOTI, Jamboree on the Internet are programme designed to communicate by gathering of Scouts from different Countries in the Radio and Internet respectively, for attaining the purpose of developing friendship, brotherhood and sisterhood. This really has assisted in development and sustainability of peace. This programme is also a proof that Scouting have implemented and executed many youth likely programmes, as it is participated by 1000s of people, for the development of themselves from world friendship. From this scouts had also bonded with modern means of communication, which can be considered as another importance of these programmes.

The creation, dynamism, innovation and progression are the continuous process in Scouting.  Moreover, it is immortal like the movement in itself. “Ticket to Life” can be considered as one of such programmes, launched very recently by WOSM. It is a programme designed to develop beneficial characters in the youth by filling skills related to First aid, health, hygiene and sanitation. This project has also assisted in development of self-confidence, discipline, key to success and moreover acceptance of others. This programme is specially designed for those who have distance from education. In Nepal some of the street children are acquiring benefits from this programme. Similarly, WAGGGS have also launched figures of programmes for the development of young girls, women empowerment, environment conservational, development of society, abolishment of sexual discrimination and other social beneficial programmes, nationally and internationally. Millennium Development Programme (MDP) is a programme launched by United Nation by allocation of objectives; End Poverty and Hunger, Universal Education, Gender Equality, Child Health, Maternal Health, Combat HIV/AIDS, Environmental Sustainability and Global Partnership. WAGGGS is playing vital role by assisting for effective and efficient attainment of objectives, which are in the benefit of public and society. WAGGGS is also celebrating its cenetary for which it had already organized numbers of social benefit programmes. ”Rio +20 Earth Summit” the international conference on environmental Conversation was recently organized in the Brazil, there delegates of WAGGGS and WOSM separately participated which clarifies the recognized importance of Scouts Movement in today’s world for its betterment.

“Scouts are the messengers of peace in the world. You all have an important job to do: you need to mobilize all 30 million Scouts throughout the world in the cause of building peace. We in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia are proud to be supporting you in these efforts. We will continue this support in the future.’’

 The above words are articulated by ”His Majesty King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz al Saud of Saudi Arabia. Yes, we Scouts are the messenger of peace as we believe in world friendship, brotherhood and sisterhood. Yes we do have important responsibility to fulfill, not merely making peace but also stabilizing peace through friendship. The above words are uttered in context of “Messenger of Peace” a movement launched by the WOSM and supported by the monarch of Saudi Arabia. This movements’ objective is to stabilizing peace all over. This movement states that every Scouts is messenger of peace. He could glorify light on the torch of peace to emit darkness of violence. He could carry the bags of love, friendship, brotherhood and sisterhood just to see happy and sound society and social being.

Yes I am the messenger of peace!!

Prepared by:

Ashik Karki


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